This blog focuses primarily on two places I love, Texas and Colorado, and reflects my photography and musings as a retiree who plans to use the freedom of retirement to spend time where and how I choose--traveling, painting, photography, gardening--and of course, with family and friends.
The Divide

Monday, January 30, 2012
Two Young Men
These two young males, known as "spikes" were members of a herd of approximately 60 elk that were grazing in my yard. The snow was patchy and plenty of dry grass was available for them. At this time of year, the females and calves from last spring hang out together in herds. The large males tend to have a boys club off in the National Park somewhere. These two are young adolescent males who will leave their mothers' herd in the summer and join the other boys to learn more about life as an elk.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
New Snow
The morning after a new snow, the sun comes out and everything is so beautiful. It may look cold, but with the sun shining at 40 degrees, it is a wonderful time to enjoy the beauty of the snow. This photo is taken at the riverwalk downtown Estes Park. The walkways and bridges wind through town between the river and stores and the contrast of bare limbed Aspens, Narrowleaf Cottonwoods, and Spruce trees is striking.
For a Texas transplant, it offers another "riverwalk" opportunity that is a stark contrast to the scenery along the San Antonio Riverwalk. I love them both.
For a Texas transplant, it offers another "riverwalk" opportunity that is a stark contrast to the scenery along the San Antonio Riverwalk. I love them both.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Outdoor Days
Winter in the Houston-Galveston area is, for the most part, a pleasant time of year. Although there are cold snaps at times with temperatures dipping below freezing overnight, there are also many days in the 60s and 70s when outdoor activities are really enjoyable. No heat, and almost no misquitoes. Like the day I took this photo--sit outdoors at the coffee shop under the live oak trees--even wear your shorts if you are warm natured. Enjoying this time of year helps to make the HOT HOT the summer a bit more bearable.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Pedestrian Crossing
In addition to the herds of elk that pass through the neighborhood, small groups of mule deer seem to be always on hand. This guy doesn't care that I'm driving down the street, he's in the crosswalk! Caution is required on all streets in Estes Park because wildlife is everywhere. Yesterday, I saw a mule deer doe standing right along the side of my street as I came around a curve. It caught me by surprise, but she seemed to be watching for cars and crossed the street after I passed. Both the elk and deer seem little concerned with the cars and will eat grass within a few feet of the street, not even flinching when a car passes. Of course, at times there are some unfortunate incidents. But they are wonderful to watch and we just try to be careful of them.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Lawn Service
How's this for free lawn service--complete with fertilization. Note that there are a few yearling males with this group of females. They have grown small spike antlers, which they will lose in the spring just before starting to grow next year's antlers which are sure to be a larger set. At this time of year the adult males hang out together separate from the females. They can sometimes be seen in the National Park lands with their band of boys.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Winter in East Texas
East Texas is a land of pine forest covered hills and swampy cypress filled river bottoms. Winter ranges from mild in the southern reaches to much harsher in the north nearer the Arkansas and Oklahoma borders. But winter in these areas is nothing like winter in Colorado. Here is a photo of bald cypress trees in an artesian lake on a foggy January morning--no ice or snow to be seen. The thermometer will drop below freezing in the overnight at times, but high temperatures may even reach into the 70s at times.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Fastest Plows in the West
After the snow fell most of the night, the snowplows are busy at work the next morning in Rocky Mountain National Park. By late morning, Trailridge Drive is open all the way to Many Parks Curve, the extent of its accessibility in the winter months. Beyond that, the snows are too deep and winds too high to keep that part of the road open from late October to late May. But the lower elevations of the Park are available for sightseeing, sledding, snowshoeing, and cross country skiing.
Back Yard Bunny
Here is my back yard bunny. He (or she) doesn't seem to mind the cold or snow. I watched him sit in the back yard by the rocks for several hours while it snowed on him. He finally went in his bunny burrough.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Internet Access Again!
What a beautiful day for a walk. What a difference a couple of days makes. Look at these brave folks out walking their dogs on Saturday. When the snow is over and that blue sky and sunshine appears, it seems worth it to have had to wait indoors for the end of the snow storm.
I have been one of those busy retirees for the past week and haven't had internet access to allow posting. Finally! I'm off and running again--I have missed posting the blog.
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